Examples of done master's theses topics
- Interactive Path Planning and Real-Time Motion Synthesis for Articulated Humanoid Characters in Virtual Environments
- Model Driven Approach in VoiceXML Application Development
- Security Aspects Analysis in Mobile Web Service Provisioning
- Awareness Visualization of BSCW Server
- A Comparative Study of Static Software Analysis Tools with a Special Focus on Software Visualization
- Building Semanticmodel for Common Document Formats With Optimized Searching
- Creating and Exploiting Ontology for Flexible and Natural Multimodal & Voice Dialogs
- A Multimodal Digital Map System with Mutual Disambiguation
- User Centered Requirements Engineering for Highly Situated Collaborative Activities (Early Prototyping of a Wearable Computing System for Fire Fighters)
- Tracking with Ultrasonic Model Recognition, an Approach towards Ultrasonic Vision
- Designing an Information Service for Grid Environments
- A Reliable Grid Information Service Using a Unified Information Model
- Accessibility Analysis of Dynamically Changing Online Applications
- Data Policy Aware Scheduling in Grid Computing Environments
- Secure Distribution of closed group data for the BSCW System
- Matching Operators for Models represented in a Generic Meta Model
- Building an Internet Community for Cooperative Work and Information Sharing
- Location-Awareness and Tracking to improve Museum Experience
- Incorporating E-Accessibility in the Workflow and Design Process of Content Management Systems
- Sensor Fusion for Location Awareness
- Quality of Service Enhancement and Interface Development for Disaster Time Communication Network using WIMAX and Wi-Fi
- Advanced Mobility Management for seamless Voice Call Handover in the IMS
- Generic Activity Recognition for Real-World Application
- Contextualization of Office Artifacts using RFID
- Community-Collaboration using Online-maps
- Development of a Model-Based Workflow-Designer
- Developing an Interactive Software Visualization and Navigation Framework for Eclipse
- Implementation and Performance Analyzis of a UDP Binding for SOAP
- Improving Schema Matching by Exploiting Semantic Information
- Development of robust video recognition system and alignment tool
- Deployment and Evaluation of GMPLS Networks in Context of Scalability
- Automatic RTL Implementation of Reconfigurable ASIPs from High-level Description
- Realization and Evaluation of an Asynchronous Service Access Protocol for Mobile Web Services
- Effective Bandwidth Management for Roaming Users in an 802.11 Wireless MAN
- An Advanced Map Service for Cultural Heritage Communities
- Adapting User Interfaces to Mobile Input Devices
- Music Recommendation Based on Album Reviews
- Development of a Newspaper Image Understanding System
- Dynamic Awareness for Shared Workspaces
- SCA Compliant Waveform Design for future Software Defined Radios
- QoS-aware Publish Subscribe System using Spatial Indexes
- Word Dependant Scaling Factors in Automatic Speech Recognition
- Haptic Palpation based on Anatomical Simulation for Virtual Environments
- Predictive Filtering & Effects on Human System Interaction in Virtual Environments
- Integration of Smart Caching and Overlay Networks for Wireless Communication Networks
- Feature Selection and Extraction: A Video Retrieval Perspective
- Context-Based Navigation Support for Commuters
- Device and Route Discovery in Hetrogeneous ZigBee-IP Networks
- Visualization of Parameter Data
- Improving User's Awareness of Diet and Physical Activity Using Mobile Persuasive Technologies
- Design and Implementation of Peer-to-Peer based on Virtual Private Network
- An integrated approach to biological data management based on ER modelling
- Web based multi user annotation framework for multimedia data
- Transformation of Modelling Language on Medical Domain into Excecutable Language: The Case of GLIF to JPDL
- Diagnostic Analysis of Control Plane Signalling in Optical Networks
- Web Browser Service Continuity on Portable Storage Devices with Utility-Based Evaluation for Personal Privacy Tradeoff
- Clustering Photos to Improve Visualization of Collections
- PLEM: A Web 2.0 Driven Service for Personal Learning Management
- A Neural Network Approach to Learning the Benavior of a Kicking Device in the Gazebo
- A Toolkit to support Dynamic Social Network Visualization
- Dynamic Data Flow Analysis for MPSoC Software Development
- Dynamic Patterns for the Analysis of Cultural Science Discourses
- View Planning for Robot-Based 3D Reconstruction
- Composition of Mappings for a Generic Meta-Model
- Generic Schema Merging Based on Complex Mappings
- Computer-supported Shape Modeling by Re-Combination of Geometric Components
- Human Computer Interaction Using Vision Based Gesture Recognition with Depth Maps
- Personalizing Music in Public Places for Individuals and Groups
- Time-Based Video Annotation and Time-based Video Linking - A Concept Analysis Realized with the Joomla! Framework
- IdeaBall: A Physical Artifact for Moderating and Analyzing Brainstorming Sessions
- Evaluation and Improvement of Security in Zigbee Networks
- Component Deployment System for Roles
- Data Classification in Wireless Sensor Networks for Habitat Monitoring
- Mobile User Interface for Outdoor Sports Applications
- Dynamically Coupling ERP Information Pieces by Task Flow
- Identity Based Encryption: Security Notions and New Identity Based Encryption Schemes based on Sakai-Kasahara Key Construction
- Speech Technology for Computer Assisted Captioning of TV Programs
- Disk-based Interface for Semantic Composition
- Mobile Interaction in Ubiquitious Computing Environments - Exploration of an Interacton Mechanism Based on Map Views
- Online Data Exchange of Automation Systems for the Mining Industry
- Internet Congestion Control Equilibra: A Strategy-Proof Approach
- Frequency-Dependent Resource Signalling and Scheduling for an OFDMA based Data Link Layer
- Web 2.0: A Classification Framework Based on Technology and Application
- Influence of Magnification to Distance Pointing
- Rich Tactile Output and Feedback on Mobile Devices
- Process Modelling Support in the Disaster Management Domain
- Mobile Cocktail Party - Exploring Interaction with Spatial Audio Applications on Mobile Devices
- Handwrite: A Text Input Technique for Multitouch Tabletops Using Hand Gestures
- Software Configuration Management for Change-Sensitive Real-Time Simulation Software with Many Variants
- Modelling and Simulation of Network Architectures for Triple-Play Services
- An Evaluation of Salience-Driven 3D Shape Retrieval Methods
- Investigating the Effect of Age and Parkinson's Disease on Touch-based Selection and Scrolling Tasks
- NetLearn: Social Network Analysis and Visualisations for Learning
- Distributed Meta-Learning for Document Classification
- Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a Framework for Mobile Phone Interaction with Personalized Web Application and Asynchronous Communication Back Channel
- Linear Discriminant Analysis in a Log-Linear Framework for Speech Recognition
- Evaluating Parallel Programming Models
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Information Presentation Methods in Spoken Dialogue Systems
- Transformation and Visualization of Mappings between Models
- An Enhanced Mechanism for Content Distribution in Next Generation Networks
- Pyragrid: Integrating Peer to Peer and Grid Architectures
- Updating XML
- Realtime Nocturnal Rendering
- Plans from Proofs
- Multimodal Search Interface for Next gEneration sEarch engine for Digital Libraries (NEEDLE)
- Mixup: A Design Tool for the Rapid Integration of Presentation components
- Tailorability of personalized web services composition
- Development of Interaction Interfaces between 3D Games and Markerless Hand-Tracking
- Exchange of Graphical Data between Application Specific Software and COTS Software
- Physics Abstraction Layer for Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications
- Application of SIOC Ontology for the Development of Workspace Interoperability in MS Sharepoint
- Development of a Semiautomatic Graffiti Tag Identification System
- Robust logo recogniton from color documents using region-based shape descriptors
- Application of (indoor) Positioning Technology to Support Cooperative Tasks and Intergration of Selected Positioning Systems into a Groupware System (FIT-Tracker)
- Semi-Formal Process Models to Executable Workflows
- Semantic Web Service Selection supporting QoS and Context Awareness
- Computation of Saliency Maps in Street Videos acquired by a moving Camera
- Development of Error Concealment Algorithms for H-264/AVC Scalable Video Coding
- Counterfeit Detection by Mining Product Traces
- Design and evaluation of a minimally-distraction in-car video communication system
- Supporting Collaboration in Meetings based on Interactive Paper Documents and a Tabletop
- Activity Recognition in Still Images
- Visual Micro Blogging for self-reflection
- Comparison of Local Detectors and Descriptors for Pose Estimation
- Predicting Aesthetics in Photographic Images
- Concept and Implementation for Context-Based Documents within Groupware Systems
- A Metadata-Based Media Player for Viewing and Sharing of Streaming Content
- Asynchronous Distributed Indexing of Large Media Collections
- Magic Lense Tracking with an Infrared Grid
- The HomeMedia Project: Studying Mobile Interaction in Ubiquitous Home
- Perceptual Evaluation of BTF Compression Techniques
- Towards a Flexible, Modular Geodata Visualization System
- Design of a Personal Data Service with Collaborative Capabilities
- Characterisation and Applications of MANET Routing Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Semi-Automatic Validation of Semantic Business Process Models
- Image Clustering Using Machine Learning Algorithms
- Process Support in the Emergency Management Domain
- A comparative study of record matching algorithms
- Software Framework for Computing Semantic Relatednessusing Explicit Semantic Analysis (ESA)
- Resource Allocation and Access Control in a Dynamic Process Management System
- Prototyping Real-Time Collaborative Applications
- Practical Evaluation of Polygonization Algorithms
- Web Application Attacks and Adversarial Modelling: A new Approach for Classification and Attacker-Centric Formalization of Web Aplications Attacks
- Mobile Contexts: Network Fingerprinting and Auto Configuration
- Design of a Presentation State Manager for Displaying Characterictics of Medical Images
- Interlinking cross-application desktop hierarchies to overcome their semantic lacuna
- Coupled Sonar Inertial Navigation System for Pedestriam Tracking
- Cryptanalysis of Hash Funcions
- The UbiLens Approach - A Visualization and Interaction Technique for Real World Objects in Smart Environments trhourgh a Mobile Phone Camera
- A Social Web Service Adaptation Portal Driven by User Context
- Trained Graph Cut for Image Segmentation
- Exploring Task Information through BSCW with Interactive Visualization
- A Platform for Event-Based Provisioning of NGN Services
- Anomaly Detection in Different Contexts on Smart Phones
- A Supporting Environment for Review Management Systems Analysis in Scientific Publication
- Design and Evaluation of a Mobile Device as a Smart Metering Display
- Human Age Recognition on Portraits
- Lying Posture Recogniton in Still Images
- Development of a Mobile Display and Analysis Unit for the IPANEMA Body Sensor Network
- Incremental evaluation of XML views (relational subsystem)
- Certain and Maybe Answers in Data Exchange
- Performance Evaluation of Handoff and Connectivity Optimization Techniques for Wi-Fi based Mobile Access Networks
- Complex Action Selection in Spoken Dialogue Systems
- Web-based Mobile Text Retrievval
- Modeling Design Patterns with Description Logic
- Combinatory Categorial Grammar Parser in Natural Language Toolkit
- Realistic Garment Replacement in Images
- JPEG 2000 Region of Interest Encoding in Broadcast Applications
- A SIP-Based Framework for Context-Aware Service Provisioning in Converging Environments
- Object Oriented Data Model ot the Semiconductor Industry aligned to SCOR on the example of Infineon with focus on product
- Estimation of 3D Human Pose and Motion from a Video Sequence
- My Sessions Tool - Context Aware Monitoring of Computer User Resources
- Supporting Mobile Users of Shared Workspaces
- Brainstorming Using Multi-Touch Tabletop
- Visualization of Large Process Models
- Fly – Expressive and Conveying Planar Presentations
- Increasing Energy Awareness in Office Spaces: A Pervasive Game-Based Approach
- Twitter Author Analysis (Tweets - Stylistic Pattern Recognition)
- Matrix Factorization for Graph Link Prediction
- Efficient Multi-View Object Detection and Segmentation
- Perceptually Tuned Color Reduction for Document Images
- Image Retrieval, Annotation and Classification Using Data in Multiple Modality
- Exploring Mobile Augmented Reality Instructions to Assist Operating Physical Interfaces
- Building an Effective Rewarding System based on Reputation
- Human Action Recognition in Still Images
- Passing-by Interaction in Public
- Concept and Evaluation of Mobile Application Server for IP Multimedia Subsystem
- Novel Approaches for Touchless Interaction With Mobile and Desktop Devices in Digital Entertainment
- Comparision and Evaluation of Procedureal and Stereo Modeling Techniques for Rapid Prototyping of Real Cities
- Perceptual Video Similarity
- Using semantic web technologies for data update
- Implementation and Analysis of Join Algorithms to handle skew for the Hadoop Map/Reduce Framework
- 3D Buildings Extraction from Aerial Images
- Design and Evaluation of Different Smoothness Constraints for Scene Flow Estimation
- Prototyping Power Loading for CSMA-based Wireless Networks
- Using Background Knowledge in Schema Matching and Ontology Alignment
- A Global Oneway Control Channel for Opportunistic Networking
- Emergent Gameplay through a Collaborative and Competitive Location-based Mobile Game
- Influence Analysis of UbiComp Systems on Large-Scale Emergency Scenarios Using Agent-Based Simulation
- Signal-based Estimation of the Number of Simultaneous Speakers
- Residual Prediction in High Efficiency Video Coding
- Semi-Supervised Online Learning for Low-Level Tracking
- A Course Mapping Tool for Collaborative Learning
- Real-time Area Lights with GPU-based Voxelization and Cone Tracing
- Certificateless Encryption Scheme Using Biometric Identity
- Extracting Expertise, Interests and Social Networks from User Actions in a Cooperation Platform
- Robust Expert Ranking in Community-based Fake Multimedia Detection Systems
- Tag-Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation in PLEM (Personal Learning Environment Manager)
- Sentence Boundary Detection for Broadcast News Recordings
- Agent-Based Simulation of Effectual and Casual Behaviors of Entrepreneurs
- Design and Implementation of a Flat SGSN Functionality for 3GPP Release 11 Evolved Packet
- Improved Visualization of Evolutionary Bridge Design Pattern Library
- Detecting and Visualizing Overlapping Facebook Communities with Node XL
- Requirements and Evaluation of an Open Assessment Framework
- Collaborative Checklist System for Mobile Users in Emergency Response
- Automatic classification of polarized light microscopic images for high throughput protein crystallization screening
- Efficient DBSCAN Clustering with MapReduce
- Collective Activity Recognition Based on Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Objects
- Discovery of Semantic Relationships in Schema Matching
- Analyzing Causes of Privacy Mismatches in Service Oriented Architecture
- Mining Correlation Clusters in Subspaces of HighDimensional Databases
- Similarity Matching and Summarization for Uncertain Time Series
- Design and Implementation of a Content Rating and Recommender System for a Collaborative Work Environment
- The impact of body posture on couchtable accuracy
- Individual and Group Interest Mining in Academic Networks
- Efficient Retrieval of Mobility Patterns on Mobile Devices
- Developing a Domain-Specific Mashup Tool
- Natural head-motion synthesis for animated talking faces
- Fabiji: A tablet kiosk to facilitate creating and sharing documentation at fab labs
- Interest Mining in Social Networks
- Application and Gamification in BSCW system to enhance user behavior
- HeapVision: Debugging by Interactive Heap Navigation
- Code Mixer: A Visual Approach to Code Comprehension and Information Foraging
- Learning Analytics tool for Video-Based Learning in L2P
- Quality of Service Evaluation of IP Multimedia Services based on service differentiation over the mobile networks
- Realization of Peer Review Assessment in L2P
- Supporting Users in Creating Customized Trust Queries
- Network-based Classification of Application Behaviour
- A Collaborative Evolution Process for an Evolutionary Design Pattern Library
- Requirements Identification with Open Source Software
- A Web Dashboard for Community-Regulated Microlearning
- An Open Assessment Support Tool for L2P
- Evaluation of the Relevance of the Source IP Address for Collected Malware
- Monitoring and Analysing the Communication Activity of eProfessionals
- Non-Local Scene Flow with Soft Segmentation
- Design and Implementation of a Software Infrastructure for Relevance Feedback Applied to Big Data from Simulations
- Parallelization of a geological reservoir simulation software package
- Rapid Prototyping Tool for Mapping Physical Sensors to Domain Models
- Sniper Pointing: Above the Surface Pointing in Mid-Air
- A Japanese Sign Language / International Signs Teaching System with Kinect
- Concept and Evaluation of Semi-Automatic Tagging for Emails
- Improving Awareness at the Workplace Using Colorful Light
- TextiPad: Implementation and Evaluation of a Wearable Textile Touchpad
- Adding Document Management Support to Email Communication
- Conjunctive Triple Queries Over Unstructured Data
- An Interactive Platform for Collaborative Stroytelling - The Storybroad System
- A Framework For Inexpensive And Unobtrusive Tracking Of Everyday Objects And Single-Touch Detection
- Computing with infinite groups
- Large-scale Image-based localization using learnt projection for local features
- Building an appearance based hand gesture recognition system using the Microsoft Kinect
- Movement analysis of visitors using location-aware guides in museums
- Establishing invariant parameters for the OBJECT image schema in gestures through motion-capture data analysis
- Exploring the use of physical surfaces for extension of a digital working environment
- Resolving Ambiguities in Modulated Phase Shifting for Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction
- Opposable Thumbs: A Bare-hands Text Input Technique
- A Business Process for Continuity and Recovery in Virtualized Systems and Mitigating the Risks and Threats of Virtualization
- Visualizations of Learner Models
- Syntactic Smoothing of Hierarchical Translation Models
- Generating a Reputation System for Wireless Mesh Networks by Profiling Expected Node Behaviour
- Device Proxy Discovery and Ontology-Based Domain Model Middleware
- Micro-architectural Error Propagation Analysis through Probabilistic Error Masking Matrices in Approximate Computing
- 2D Visualization of 3D Medical Images within a Distributed System for Cancer Treatment using Hybrid Computation Approach
- User Decisions about the Security of Mobile Applications
- TrendNexus: Analysis and Visualization of Twitter Hashtags and their Correlation
- Redesigning Web Applications for Collaboration: A Widgettizing Methodology
- Methods for Leaf Segmentation and Feature Analysis
- Increasing User Awareness for Genomic Privacy
- Random Forests for 3D Pose Estimation from 2D Images
- Application-Centric Deployment of Low-Power Wireless Networks
- BAMBI: Bio Analysis Multi-tracking Based Integration System for BioLab
- Evaluating Interactive Diagrams for the Analysis of Neuron Activity Data
- Integrated Banner Visualization to Improve Asynchronous Workspace Awareness Suppport in a Collaborative Application
- Collaborative and situation dependent management of public screen content
- A Toolkit for Data Collection, Management and Analytics in Academic Networks
- Public Display Ahthentication
- A Study of the possible Scenarios for Rendering on a Tiled Display Wall using a Single PC
- Movement Patterns in Location-based Multiplayer Games
- Improvement of 3D Models in Image-Guided Positioning
- Grippo: Using Grip Gestures to Repurpose Everyday Objects as Controllers
- VisiStat: Visualization-driven interactive statistical analysis
- Interest-based Recommendation in Academic Networks using Social Network Analysis
- User Centered Design Approach to Visualise Opportunities For Collaboration in Large Organisations
- Modelling of XAx-Process Chains
- Mobile Shopping Experiences and Purchases on Google Glass
- Protecting Users from Co-Location Disclosures in Online Social Networks
- Improving Depth based Poeple Detection for Mobile Robotics
- Semantic Segmentation using Context Sensitive Decisioin Forest
- Editing 3D segmentations of pleural thickenings combining image information and user-interaction
- Adapting Speech Act Theory to Support Organization of Email-based Conversations
- Implementation and Feasibility Study of a Cooperative Mobile Network Connectiviity System
- Real-time collaborative IMS Learning Design Authoring Tool
- Design and Development of a Web Automation Framework for Manual/Automatic Testing of Modern Web Applications
- Digital Music Instrument: Analyzing Hand Gesture To Understand Hand Movement Towards Music Parameters
- Exploiting Gamification for Geographical Entity Matching
- Visual Bookmarking with Mindmap Method
- Simplifying the Understanding of Trust Management for Non-Security Experts
- Social Media Filtering based on Linked Open Data
- Heterogeneous Spreading in Complex Networks with Community Structure
- GazeTouch: Using Gaze Tracking to Select Indirect Touch Targets
- Symphony of Modalities for Interaction in Augmented Reality
- A Semantic Content-based Recommender System using Bayesian Networks
- Investigating Local Symmetries for Image Ratings Prediction
- A Gestural Interaction Model to Classify Deformable Everyday Objects
- WatchRing: Fast and eyes-free scrolling method for smart watches
- Quantifying Similarity and Predictions in Location-Based Social Networks
- Development of an Adaptive Indoor Localization Support System for People with Special Needs
- Nato Generic Vehicle Architecture (NGVA) Sensor Integration for Adaptable Crew Assistance, Alarm and Event Prediction System
- Design and Evaluation of an Augmented Flute forBeginners
- Seat occupancy detection using data fusion at car sensors
- Autoencoder networks for detection of fraudulent financial activities in ERP systems
- Rotationally Invariant Classification of Symmetric Functions on the Sphere
- Designing a seamless UI between PRIME apps
- Designing a Seamless Application Architecture in the Android Platform for the PRIME Apps
- Contribution of Optical Flow in Stereo Object Detection
- A RESTful Web-based Expert Recommender Framework
- Conveying Feedback in Skill Movement Acquisition
- Data-driven motion synthesis of virtual dance partners
- Fast Projection to the Birckhoff Polytope
- User-centered Design of Tools for Dynamic Tagging of Environment to Support Firefighters in Disaster Scenarios
- Retrieving Indoor Routes using iBeacons
- Animation of Primitives Sketches: From Gathering Dataset to 2D Animation with Use of Motion Caption Database
- BundleMAP: Anatomically Localized Classification Regression and Statistical Analysis in Diffusion MRI
- A Framework for Predictive Analysis of Time Evolving and Overlapping Communities
- Random Forests for Stroke-Based Design of High-Diminsional Transfer Functions
- Free decoding parameter optimization for automatic speech recognition
- Analysis and Detection of Android Malware with a special focus on Droid KungFu
- Patch-Based Nonrigid Registration of Triangle Meshes and Point Clouds
- Time Series Prediction using Echo State
- Holistic History User Interface in HCM Cloud Applications
- Usability, Modularity and Extensibility Improvement in CourseMapper
- Visualizing Whole Brain Tractography on a Head Mounted Display
- Prediction and control of thermal energy demand of commercial buildings using neural networks
- Hierarchical Archetypal Analysis for Image Recognition
- Open-world Short-term People Re-identification
- Crease Enhancement Using Fourth Order Nonlinear Anisotropic Diffusion Equations
- Facial Landmark Localisation with Random Forests Under Occlusion
- Detecting Appliances and Faults in Appliances based on Power Usage Data
- Usability Evaluation of Ontology Engineering Tools