Computational Life Sciences
In 2008, an initiative of the Life Science Informatics (LSI) Department at the B-IT led to the introduction of the Ph.D. progam Computational Life Sciences, the first interdisciplinary Ph.D. topic of the Natural Science and Mathematics Faculty of the University of Bonn. This program was mainly initiated to provide LSI Master students with an opportunity to obtain a Ph.D. in an interdisciplinary research field, as a continuation of their educational pathway at the B-IT or other institutions of the University of Bonn.
Since its introduction, this Ph.D. program has been a stellar success. 17 Ph.D. theses in Computational Life Sciences have been successfully completed in the LSI area of the B-IT and the alumni already include several graduates of the B-IT LSI Master program. In addition, several former LSI graduates are expected to obtain their Ph.D. in Computational Life Sciences in 2013.
Given the success of this initiative, the LSI Department plans to closely link and ultimately integrate the Life Science Informatics and Computational Life Sciences programmes in order to provide opportunities for seamless graduate education at the interface between computer science and the life sciences. The LSI Department at the B-IT will endeavor to harbor and consistently support these educational opportunities for outstanding students.
The following section lists publications that have been published in the Life Science Informatics groups participating in the Life Science Informatics master program and the associated Ph.D. programmes. All publications are with co-authors who are or were part of the LSI master program or of the Computational Life Sciences Ph.D. program. The number of publications since 2006 evidences that B-IT offers a highly interesting research environment and educational setting for excellent students and young scientists.