Science rally for high-school students at University of Bonn
In the upcoming year, high school students will again have the opportunity to participate in the science rally of Bonn University.
Young adventurers wanted!
In the upcoming year, high school students will again have the opportunity to participate in the science rally of Bonn University. At many hands-on stations, the various faculties invite young people from the age of 13 to17 to test their knowledge.
- You are interested in computer science and would like to get a deeper insight?
- You don't know exactly what computer science is all about, but would like to find out?
- You want to experiment and learn something new?
Then come to our station at the Science Rally on January 21 and find out!
Saturday, January 21, 2023
from 10 a.m. (CET)
Meinhard-Heinze-Haus, Poppelsdorfer Allee 49.

Science rally invites young people to test their knowledge in various STEM disciplines on January 21, 2023.