How to respond to climate change with algorithms and world surveying

The aim of Girls' Day is to give people the opportunity to get a taste of a profession in which the proportion of women is less than 40 percent. Women are still strongly underrepresented in the fields of IT, handicrafts, natural sciences and technology - a deplorable state of affairs that the companies and institutions participating in Girls' Day are actively working to counteract, including the Institute for Computer Science at the University of Bonn. Together with the Institute for Geodesy and Geoinformation at the University of Bonn, this year's Computer Science offer for Girls' Future Day, on 27 April, is dedicated to the topic of climate change and how it can be counteracted with algorithms and world surveying.

Climate change is the defining issue of the 21st century, which we encounter more and more frequently in politics, the media and in private life, and scientists are constantly searching for solutions to counteract it. To achieve this goal, many researchers are working closely together across disciplines. The inter- and transdisciplinary exchange leads not least to the development of new technologies and solutions for more sustainability and environmental protection.

There is an extremely large overlap between the disciplines of geodesy and computer science. While geodesists observe and measure the current state of our planet and our climate, both with measuring instruments on the ground and with satellite images, computer scientists develop models and algorithms to understand and evaluate this data.

The offer from Bonn's Computer Science and Geodesy Department gives schoolgirls a taste of science and introduces them to the two disciplines "hand-on". Various measuring instruments are waiting to be tried out by the girls and an exciting puzzle game makes a complex mathematical problem of algorithms suddenly seem quite simple.


About Girls'Day

On Girls' Day, girls learn about professions or fields of study in which the proportion of women is less than 40 percent, e.g. in the fields of IT, crafts, natural sciences and technology. Or they meet female role models in leadership positions in business and politics. Girls' Day is a nationwide orientation day for girls to find out about careers and studies. It is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.


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